Pretty good piece... I can definitely see where you're coming from, Tom. It really is a shame that developers such as Nintendo seem to depend on nostalgia to make a profit. I think the New Super Mario Bros. games are amongst the worst offenders in this regard.
So we pretty much agree that the PlayStation4 has Xbox One beat in every regard when it comes to how the consoles actually function. But I have to say... now, that I've seen it, the PS4 is also infinitely more aesthetically pleasing. It looks so sleek and ergonomic compared to the dull and bulky cable-box shape of the XO.
@YOLOKING3 @ZombehDino As cynical as I'm being, MAYBE things will change. I loved the 360 and I also really dug the PS3. However, I simply can't get around the fact that the current plan Microsoft has at the moment is looking a bit... bleak.
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