Dark Souls and Demon's Souls are, in my opinion, two of the greatest games of this console generation. I'm happy to hear that Dark Souls is having more financial success than it's predecessor, so here's to hoping that Dark Souls II does even better.
I dunno Tom, I was really intrigued by Nintendo's announcements. Especially considering the new Zelda title and the game from the Xenoblade team, the only thing that could make me more excited is the announcement of a new Metroid game.
Oh, and Nintendo? Speaking of the next Metroid game, please don't have it resemble Other M. At all. Please.
Opinions are like nose hairs -- everyone has them.
Yes, Journey is incredibly unlike all of the other games on this list, but the GS staff felt that the experience it provided was overall more unique and interesting that the ones its competitors gave. That's their opinion, and it may not reflect yours.
I personally thought Journey was a fascinating and incredibly interesting game, albeit a short one, and completely respect GameSpot for choosing it as GOTY.
It blows my mind that Nintendo has the gall to still refer to the Super Mario Bros. games as "new." Hell, even the first "new" SMB game for the DS has been out for over six years now.
ZombehDino's comments