I think that the Star Wars: Battlefront DLC pass contains the content that was supposed to be in the base game but was removed by EA to be sold later as DLC. Why sell one complete game if you can split it up and charge twice as much for it? :)
Awesome costumes, everyone, I especially liked Nathan Drake and the shark! And thank you for hosting GS News this week, Mary! Have a good weekend and a spooky Halloween :)
So I just finished watching John Carpenter's Halloween (literally 10 minutes ago). Around the middle of the movie I decided to look up Carpenter's filmography out of curiosity. While looking at the films he has directed I noticed that the main character of Escape from New York looks awfully similar to Snake from MGS and they also have the same name. So after that I finished watching Halloween and decided that I'm going to watch The Thing on the 31st of October. And then I came here and Mary mentioned all of these things. What is happening!? O_o
The "realistic" difficulty mode sounds like one of the most frustrating things ever. I have completed several Call of Duty games on Veteran difficulty and it didn't require much strategy or skill, the key to beating it was memorising the levels and enemy locations, and staying behind cover as much as possible. Honestly, it wasn't too fun (I did it for the achievements :P) and I just don't see how playing on this new difficulty mode might be fun either. It is far too easy to get shot in a CoD game, players probably will end up reloading each checkpoint 50 times before reaching the next one. Also, what's the point of calling it "realistic" if there is nothing realistc about CoD?
This is in no way related to the video, but maybe somebody can help me. I don't particularly like my current username, so I decided to create a new account since you can't change the name of an existing account. However, when I completed the registration my username appeared in all lower case letters, although I'm certain that I wrote it with the first letter capitalized. I'm okay with not having the letters "ē" and "ū", but I really want my name to start with a capital letter. Could this be a one time glitch, or has the same thing happened to anyone else?
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