Actually Morrowind is the game I'd like to see remade the most. I'm very happy that such a large group of fans are doing it, but it would be nice to get an official remake from Bethesda themselves for PC and consoles, maybe they could just hire those guys. I highly doubt it'll happen though :(
And if your internet connection is fine, maybe there is something wrong with your computer? I can watch videos in HD without any issues. Whatever the problem is, I hope you get it resolved soon! Have a nice day :)
This is why I'm so opposed to social justice warriors or whatever they're supposed to be. If something offends them or goes against their flawed logic they will try to censor it or remove it entirely. I bet Nicole Survivor (the person who created the petition) and most of those who signed it have never played GTA V, they probably aren't even gamers. They seem to be driven purely by emotion, not rational thought.
I have completed GTA V and don't remember any instance where the game encouraged me to kill innocent people. And why do they focus on killing women? Almost all the enemies in the game are men. Yes, you can have sex with a prostitute to restore your health (although I've done it only once or twice because it's much faster and easier to find a soda vending machine), but there isn't much incentive to kill her. She drops some money, just like any other person.
Everyone has the right to criticise a game, but you can't demand a retailer to remove it from sale because a small portion of it hurt your feelings. If you don't like it, don't play it, although I doubt that these people intended to play it in the first place. And GTA V is an 18+ rated game, if a parent thinks it's unsuitable for his/her child he/she can simply refuse to buy it making it very difficult for the child to obtain the game. There are plenty of fun non-violent games out there. Or how about making your own game instead of attacking other people's creations?
I don't want to say only negative things today so have a good rest of the week Jess. I can't wait to see the GameSpot US team doing the news, they're really funny and entertaining =]
Arkham Knight looks pretty cool, I guess. I'm not really into superheroes to be honest, although I liked Arkham Asylum, so I might buy Arkham Knight sometime next year if the reviews are good.
Zombie97's comments