isn't uncharted kinda short though. are there any hot chicks in that game? sometimes i touch myself when i play MGS4... heheryank81283Hopefully you wash your hands before playing again...
ZonChau's forum posts
get a grip guys i mean cmon be realasitic hahakrakout31
you say to get realistic but can you believe FINAL FANTASY 13 is going to the xbox 360 the power of money lured Squre Enix to Microsoft >.> link here
Wiimote is the superior shooter controller. It's basically built for shooters.Son_of_SomeExcept that the point it sucks for shooters as the way you would hold the Wii remote would hinder your ability
the 360 controller has triggers
EDIT: and no, those things on the PS3 are NOT triggers
yeah but from personal experience using triggers kinda sore your trigger finger.
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