@enoughofthis @Zoza24 Something different for a change indeed. But better be an indie Developer instead of working for a artificial publisher providing you the money to make the game in change for their creative demands instead of developers ideas.
As example i would like to play a COD game based on militia troops fighting against Americans in Afghanistan to protect their lands and their families.
@enoughofthis Bullshit, Gamers allready are ready for variety. But the gaming industry needs more people with different variety of expression and creativity. That might be us in 10 years or less.
@canuckbiker @Zoza24 That's why i think Indie developers and stand alone game developers can have more freedom access then those working for the publishers..
We gamers are suckers for creativity while publishers holding it back.. And to think about it, it think we need a new infrastructure in the gaming industry.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @Apastron Wow, way backwards thinking how you see woman.. Reminder that not all woman are in that same category.. If you want to talk about feminism then don't talk about all woman in general.
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