I think the very near future that gamers will eventually make their own games themselves. The technology on game development is getting more flexible and accessible.
Sure, if you want to make a game without any sexuality involved, then all the power to you. as long as the game is good on story and game play etc.
But dont say that people are behind because they like sexuality in games, and don't try to dictate how other game creators must design their female characters for the sake of not being sexualized, its not woman that are being sexualized.. I believe in freedom of creation, so dont cockblock creativity..
As long as it stays with these simple games, these people dont want anything from the modern western games such as shooters/RPG and horror games..
That would probably boggle their minds why we play those games.
I would say, if these people are interested in modern technologies that could change their lives, then i suggest them to do a slow technology transfer program..
Zoza24's comments