@AjenoMerveilles @Zoza24 All the power to you. Im a PlayStation gamer myself, I would have totally bought the Xbox One if they didn't end up doing all of their bullshit on us..
@Navardo95 @Zoza24 @AjenoMerveilles Sony studios have studied hard to master the Ps3 cell with the amount of memory, so that could benefit their development on PS4.
I think the Franchise needs a new paranormal Enemy and let Alma to rest for a while.. First Encounter Assault Recon did not represent the 3rd game that much..
@Devils-DIVISION @Zoza24 Regarding kids playing Mass Effect is beyond me.. But most of that Younger audience grab a controller to shoot everyone in sight because that's their simple joy of gaming.. But like it or not COD is a kinder garden with kiddies and some grown up idiots that don't know how to behave either, All in the same spot.
Is anyone surprised actually?. Little kids playing mature games?. what do you fucking expect?. Especially when parents don't have control over their kids behavior and this is what you get.. A kid unleashed! and out of control online!..
Like I said, COD is still a kinder garden for little shits..
Zoza24's comments