You know, I was very exited about the announcement of the Xbox One. Because I was expecting to buy the Xbox One Next to my PS4.. But this whole controversy with the always online and mandatory after 24 hours check in (which is removed now) and now Microsoft Refuse to remove the Kinect to reduce the price..
As a PlayStation gamer myself I was planning to get all the consoles and a good PC, But it seems that I only have rely on a PS4, Wii-U and a PC.. As long as Microsoft doesn't makes options for their consumers, then I wont buy it period!.
@Desynkronic @Zoza24 You don't get it do you?. People don't want the fucking KINECT!!.. They want the console with a controller and a game. that's it!!.. Nothing More!!.. Just look at Ps4.
@jrcast84 @Zoza24 @NoAngle @EddieDominguez I don't care if you don't like it, its only to let you know that broccoli has amazing properties that can increase your brain functions.. So yeah..
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