@jhcho2 The weirdest thing is why they keep pushing this Kinect in front of us.I really dont get it..
Owh boy, i like it allready.. If publishers can see the redicilous price tag on that system.. owh boy owh boy.. How will MS deal with this! :P
@KilltheFANBOYS Do you have any idea how many people purchased PSN+ because of the free games benefits and automatic updates etc?.
@Diablo-B @A_Rabid_Dog @Hop103 @Zoza24 And in end of 2014 they will change their policies to fool you at the end.
@Hop103 @Zoza24 True, but even if Sony talks about MS's Policies tells me something about other corporations talking about the business of others thats not of their damn concern.
@oneligas It may be a 3rd person shooter, but in what way would it gimmick Gears Of War?..Just shut your trap and wait for official gameplay to be released.
Zoza24's comments