@Richrward22 @Zoza24 @2bitSmOkEy @HarryDaGeeza Dont be loyal to a company in the first place, be loyal to yourself if you are real gamer.. Gamers care about freedom, not restrictions.
@Richrward22 @2bitSmOkEy @HarryDaGeeza You are defending a company that enforced you to be online all the time with kinect and their games policy?.Their policy has changed because of us!, you should be gratefull for the shit we have done to for your gaming freedom.. Think first idiot!.
@Richrward22 @Zoza24 @Vidpci The most Ps3 exlusive titles are western games..Because the Ps3 architecture was even so shit to program for that most Japanese Developers did not want to develop for. So the Ps3 was formaly a Western Developing platform.
@Richrward22 @Zoza24 @Vidpci Then you must be incredibly ignorant if you think Playstation and Nintendo only has games from ''Asia''.Anywayz,You dont have to like games from Japan, but dont blame the ''Asians'' for it..
@Richrward22 @Vidpci Something against Asians?.Without these ''asians'' you wouldnt be playing video games in the first place.
Zoza24's comments