I hope their investiment was worth it, because it all comes to the amount of people buying the Xbox One to actually use them..
@leeko_link @Zoza24 Thats not how it works buddy..Playstation is not Nintendo, PS3 = Cell Ps4 =x 86 architecture..You will play all the classic Ps games on Gaikai, not on youre Physical disc.
@leeko_link Havent we talked about this before?. Ps3 games cannot be played on PS4 because of the different hardware architecture.. Just get over it..Gaikai will play the major role in Psone and PS2 and Ps3 games being playable on PS4.
@mellow09 Physical retail will never dissapear. most people just like to own their content in their hands.DD is coming in mass, buts Physical isnt dissapearing anytime soon.
Great deal, give us options instead of forcing gamers into something they dont like.Good put there Sony.
Zoza24's comments