@Belokkian @Zoza24 @VeredusMaximus I wasnt talking about the whole Picture, and I know that Monsanto is protected by some bill that prevents the company from being sued..
But Nontheless, EU Politians are big ass idiots too. Especially here in The Netherlands Mark Rutte That piece of shit!.
@Belokkian @Zoza24 @VeredusMaximus Im European too, and im not talking about the American People themselves, Im talking about Monsanto.. America must burn Monsanto to the ground. **** them!.
@Belokkian @VeredusMaximus When are you Americans going to take some serious action against this corrupt Monsanto seed company?, i mean burn their fields as far as im concerned.
As far as im concerned, they can give all their I.P. to other publisher studios and leave the gaming industry in a whole to give another corporation a chance to come up with a decent console.
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