@bunchanumbers Considering the Lay offs hapening right now at EA.. kick people out that have potential talent to craft a better game then EA pulling the strings of what games developers are allow to create..
@firehawk998 @Zoza24 They can call us whatever they want, the thing is - if they piss us off then they dont have our money and gamers go elsewhere.I dont care how they potray us gamers, we are the ones with the money they want..
This is good news considering that other publishers will follow suit, or else they wont get their money..But its time for developers to publish their own games, Look at CD Project RED.
Next!, Remove mandatory Kinect, Allow used games and give developers their freedom.Dont expect consumers to buy into you're bullshit, people are not stupid.
@FULGOREY2K Then i advise MS to listen to their consumers before its too late for them.. Or Microsoft will face their biggest nightmare.
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