And which of those PC ports is a system seller? None of them. Games like Risen aren't going to sell a console ...
You think Sony would be dumb enough to release late? the only reason they released after the Xbox was cause of a problem with blu-ay and even after releasing a year later (18 months for europe) huge price tag, no games AND competition from the Wii it's still going to outsell the 360.
Sad really how well MS started and how poor they've become over the past 2 years.
Lol were talking about a consoles first year on the market. it sells itself on being new alone. all im saying is MS has plenty ways to secure games.
Sony really surpised a lot of us this gen by showing how dumb they can be :P
Sad? they are again making more profit then last gen, they have way more sales then last gen, and have way more develoepr support.
Its sad just how far sony fell from the top. the fact that your content with them taking 2nd place eventually" just shows how far the standards have been lowered.
lol keep it coming, this is fun.
I actually don't care where sony finishes. I dont own a PS3. I own an Xbox thank you very much :)
I do however feel that much like sony before them, MS need a reality check. MS dominating the early stages of this gen led sony to create some excellent new IPs in order to lure in customers whilst MS havbe just purchases timed exclusives (poor ones) and timed DLC(Terrible idea)
MS started this gen with the need to impress and they did, the creation of Xbox Live 2.0, titles like Kameo, Gears etc. They've become stale lately, content with coasting until the end of the gen. If that's what YOU want from a console manufacturere then fair enough. I just expect more :)
thats how industry works. you deliever in the early stages and then you coast until the next generation.
I dont blame MS for widning down in its consoles 5th year. thats business. Kinect casual popularity and 3rd party devs will carry 360 for years to come without MS direct support.
Sony should have done that with PS3, deliever in the beginning.
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