I'm an older gamer who has owned many different platforms. I am loyal to no platform or company name. I go with whatever console gives me the best game experience of that generation. I currently own a wii (haven't played it in forever) and a xbox 360. My playstation 3 got the YLOD so never bothered to get that fixed. (last game completed on my ps3 was uncharted 3) As the current generation goes I would say I enjoyed the xbox 360 more then any other. Yes pay to play online sucks and yes the xbox brand lacks exclusives. In saying that xbox live is a great experience and I have had a blast playing games like forza horizon as of late. The ps3 by far had the best exclusives and I felt it was a good console that never matched it's potential. The Wii has caused me to lose tons of respect for nintendo. I've owned every single Nintendo platform since the nes and I honestly believe Wii will be my last nintendo purchase. Next Generation Thoughts: Durango: Too many rumors and speculation to comment. If it indeed does block used games and needs a constant online connection then I will not be getting this. As I said too many rumors and bs to really know what microsoft is doing. PS4: I got to say I am really impressed with what I have seen. Powerful hardware with gamers in mind seems like a great combination. Really impressed with how Sony is approaching the new generation. WIIU: (really dumb name) Nintendo is pretty much dead to me. Out of date hardware, dinosaur network for online gaming, lackluster games up to this point. I have 0 interested in buying another mario, zelda, and whatever franchise they choose to remake machine. Very little 3r party support to fill in the gaps. I really wish I could say that the WiiU will be a failure but it's not going to be. Once another Mario or Zelda game comes out the nintendo fans are going to be soiling theirselves to buy a WiiU. I'm sure the WiiU will sell a decent amount of units. Too bad Nintendo's originality and hardcore mentality left when Yamaouchi retired. So hello everyone and look forward to debates on system wars.gamevet77
Bioshock Infinite sucks
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