Anyone else weirded out by the induction ceremony? The Eddie portion was beautiful, couldn't have possibly been done better. I almost cried when Vickie kept trying to compose herself while receiving the induction for Eddie. Benoit, Chavo, and Rey's speeches were very classy.
Now, onto the rest of the show..... HOF + TV = No. That's all i'm going to say. Everything felt wayyyy too rushed compared to the past two ceremonies. I think that could attributed to the commercials and what not, though. Lillian Garcia announcing who will be inducted before each and every commercial break kind of cheapens the honor of the ceremony, IMO. Makes it seem like it's just one of those second-rate award shows on MTV. It didn't have that genuine element that the other two had in spades.
Okerlund was alright. His "final request" at the end of his speech actually made me laugh out loud. I didn't like the ridiculous amount of credit Hogan was given during that entire portion, but it didn't surprise me.
Now, onto the worst part of the ceremony: Bret Hart's induction. First, you had Austin, who looked and sounded like he would've rather been anywhere else at that moment, come out and deliver one of the most graceless "speeches" i've ever seen, and then Bret's acceptance speech....... It didn't have a whole lot of substance to begin with, and the reference to Montreal was unneccessary. "what they took away from me" Give me a break. No one cared. It got no reaction. Just awkward silence. And then he goes into some hypocritical BS about respect, which i think we all know goes without saying. It's sad that even on the night of his big induction, Bret still couldn't wear his heart (no pun intended) on his sleeve completely. He couldn't just lose himself in the atmosphere and focus entirely on the positive. Between that and his cute little attempt powerplay earlier this week, i've lost a good deal of respect for Bret.
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