The tag division. The women don't need any bolstering. Trish, Mickie, and Victoria are sufficient. In fact, the women's division is currently one of the best booked segments of the show.
There is no excuse for the current shape of the tag division given the fine pool of talent the WWE has.
On Smackdown, you should have:
London/Kendrick - The cornerstone babyface tag team. They're the modern day Rockers/Rock N' Roll express as afar as i'm concerned.
MNM - The cornerstone heel tag team. I could see them having an awesome rivalry with London/Kendrick. It could mimmic the classic rivalry between The R & R express and the Midnight Express back in the 80's.
Team Angle - Once Angle is out of the title scene, bring him down to the tag division and call up Charlie Haas from OVW. Give Charlie the big time rub and pair him up with Angle as a babyface tag team. Angle will be Charlie's mentor, of sorts. This kills two birds with one stone by giving Angle less of a workload and a push for Charlie.
The Survivors - Okay, this tag team MIGHT be in poor taste, but hear me out. Make Jamie Noble and Gregory Helms a heel tag team. Have them wear matching confederate flag tights. Now they wouldn't neccessarily be racist, per se, but rather "proud southerners". Given their strong accents and decent-sharp mic work, i think they would get over big time. Perhaps give them JBL as mouthpiece to get the point across. JBL would probably work better as a manger, anyway.
Kid Kash & Johnny Jeter - Let these guys be a heel tag team managed by Ken Kennedy until Kennedy can wrestle himself. Bring Johnny over from RAW (He's a part of the spirit squad). If anyone has seen Kennedy & Jeter's stuff in OVW, you know that they would have the chemistry to make this trio work.
Psicrazy - Super Crazy and Psicosis are quite over as a babyface tag team. Let them keep doing what they're already doing. Just get rid of those lawnmowers and the other gimmicky crap.
Jobber teams:
Vito & Nunzio.
The Gymni.
Scotty 2 Hotti & Funaki
Tataka & Animal
Now, the trickier of the two, RAW:
Carlito & Chavo Guerrero - This idea has been tossed around for a while now. Carlito looks to be on the verge of a face turn. I think Carlito could bring just about the same things Eddie brought out of Chavo in a tag team setting. Let them be babyfaces. Give Chavo something to do other then jobbing and paying homage to Eddie for once......
Matt Striker & Chris Masters - Your classic Brains and Brawn heel tag team. Lord knows Masters would benefit from being paired with a strong mic worker. Striker would fit that bill just well.
HBK & Shelton Benjamin - Shelton would not work as a heel. Just let HBK be his mentor of sorts in this babyface tag team. It would make for an interesting eventual interbrand showdown between HBK/Shelton and Angle/Charlie at WM.
Big Show & Kane - A lame team, but they'll have to do for the other heel tag team.
Jobber teams:
Goldust & Eugene.
Tomko & Snitsky.
Obviously, RAW would be the weaker of the two, but there isn't much you can do about that one. RAW needs more talent, plain and simple.
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