_Project_'s forum posts
Thats 2.99 please
The whole line looks at you really weird while you buy some **** ass 1995 fifa game
only a few million people obtained console by end of 2000 due to manufacting delays the ps2 was poplualr afte rits relase that was diffiocult to find units on retail cheleves anopther pipular option was purhsing the console online threoygh actuon wrbsites sucgh as e gay and ps2 intially sold well partly on the baisi of the strenhh og the playstastion brand and the consoles backwards compabvity selling obver 900,000 yunits in the first weekeenc in japan this allowrd the ps2 to tape ltghe largfe install base entasblished by the playstaiyon abnother major selling point over the compitino later sony gained steam new devleoped kits dor dfior game devlopers and more ps2 units for consumers Ok?
a notable piece of aveetrising for the ps2 layunch was accompaired by the popular ps9 television commerical 9 was to be the eoptiome of devleopment which the ps2 was the next stop on the way toweards the ad is aslo presaged the developed of the portable playstatuobn first relased in japan 2004
many analysts predicited a close three way matchup between the ps2 and compitiros microsofts xbox and the nintenso gamecubse whjich was the cheest of the threee had an open marked of games howrver the release of seeverl blockbuster gamrs during the 2001 holiday season mainted sales moentum and heldf o the ps2 revils.
althroyugh sony unlike seag with its dreamcast placed lil emphasis on online gamin durin g the first years this change dupon launch of online caple xbox sony addaptyed in 2002 compete with microsdfogt with serveral online first party titls relased along it such as socum us navty seals to show its active supporty for itnernt okay sony aslo adverties healthty.
the ps2 brand srrength has lead to strong thrird patry support for the system althrough the stystems laufgh tuitles whereuimporessive in 2000 the christmas season of 2001 saw the relase of several best selling and cirtcally accalimed game these games helped ps2 maintain and externd its lead in the vieeo games ocnsokle markert diespitres increaed compition
From the launvhes of microsoft xbox and nintendo gamecube. In serveral cases sony made exclubity deals with publishers in order to prempt its compitiros cireically accailmed games on the ps2 include grand theft auto serues servetrial entreies in the final fantasty seruies metal getr soldis 2 and loads more.
the ps2 is an orange music games such as latest dance dance revlotuion games are popular and guatir controlled based gutiaer hero series at end of 2006 = 80000 ps2 titls been relased in pakistan.
ps2 is sonys second vieeog ame cosbnaopel the succsor of yplaystation pan d processor of th [playstation 3 thats is npw out ps2 was aanouce din march 1999 and it was released in japaono on march 4 2000 in noprth merica on ocotro 26 2000 and in euro[pe on noVemeber 24 2000 ok
only a few million people obtained console by end of 2000 due to manufacting delays the ps2 was poplualr afte rits relase that was diffiocult to find units on retail cheleves anopther pipular option was purhsing the console online threoygh actuon wrbsites sucgh as e gay and ps2 intially sold well partly on the baisi of the strenhh og the playstastion brand and the consoles backwards compabvity selling obver 900,000 yunits in the first weekeenc in japan this allowrd the ps2 to tape ltghe largfe install base entasblished by the playstaiyon abnother major selling point over the compitino later sony gained steam new devleoped kits dor dfior game devlopers and more ps2 units for consumers Ok?
a notable piece of aveetrising for the ps2 layunch was accompaired by the popular ps9 television commerical 9 was to be the eoptiome of devleopment which the ps2 was the next stop on the way toweards the ad is aslo presaged the developed of the portable playstatuobn first relased in japan 2004
many analysts predicited a close three way matchup between the ps2 and compitiros microsofts xbox and the nintenso gamecubse whjich was the cheest of the threee had an open marked of games howrver the release of seeverl blockbuster gamrs during the 2001 holiday season mainted sales moentum and heldf o the ps2 revils.
althroyugh sony unlike seag with its dreamcast placed lil emphasis on online gamin durin g the first years this change dupon launch of online caple xbox sony addaptyed in 2002 compete with microsdfogt with serveral online first party titls relased along it such as socum us navty seals to show its active supporty for itnernt okay sony aslo adverties healthty.
State of emergency - Never really played anything like it, so much fun. Very boring and repeitive now a days through.
It did not seem appealing on the ouside of the cover, seems like another boring sci-fi shooter.
Today i finally brought my self around to trying Half-Life for the ps2 and WOW I am amazed...
The story, so far it's amazing, really in-depth unlike most games, great atmosphere!
Can't wait to play Half life 2, the only bad thing about the game is the Frame-Rate, but I guess cause it was a port to the ps2 and most ports have terrible framerates.
So yeah, thought id share that. You guys probs thinking where have i been living for the past 7 - 8 years XD
LMAO much?
new japanese trailer
It worked perfectly until I changed the settings to widescreen on video, now everytime I start up the screen goes black then sideways and doesnt start up.
I have tryed reinstalling and it still happens :S
Is there like a saved setting somewhere along the line?
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