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I finally started to use my head in VP2 so naturally I beat that boss. Woot for me!

I'm not excited about gaming so right now I'm trying to find a subject to write about.

Here are my latest sigs. If you like them you can use them…






What does VP2 has to do with the Olympic Games?

Nothing, except they are the theme of this blog!:P

The Olympic Games started today. I just finished watching the opening ceremony and I got to say it was absolutely brilliant. The dances, the music, everything was perfect and I loved the part when they lighted up the Olympic flame. The only boring part when the introduction of the countries and its athletes that least for almost 2 hours. If you haven't watched it, do it because it was one of the best shows I've ever watched. I'm a big fan of the Olympic Games and I can't wait for the competitions to start.

About Valkyrie Profile 2, I'm frustrated because the game is incredibly hard.:evil: It has more leveling up than FF XII! If I haven't leveled up at all I would be around level 8 but I'm on lv. 20 and I need to be at 25 or 30 to beat this boss and leveling up takes a lot of time. I'm not playing it a lot because it's boring spending 3 hours to level up 5 levels.

I'm not gonna say anything about my new profile, lol. Yoruichi FTW!:D

I discovered the wonders of C4D (try to guess what it is about).;)

An important question...

Is Quina from Final Fantasy IX, male or female?:P


Sometimes it acts like a man, sometimes like a girl.[spoiler] It got married to Vivi, that is male [/spoiler] It is referred as him a few times but I really can't be sure about its sex. Opinions?

I have a girly profile again. The Superman theme was transferred to TV.com that I never use.:D

My new sig:


Biography, Part 5: Just me... (Final Part)

The high school. It was something different than what we were used to. We were a bunch of little kids in the middle of the bigger ones. Now we are the big ones in the middle of the kids. After I entered to the 10th grade I changed a bit. I got louder, I talked much, but still I was shy. I only really started to hang out with my cl@ssmates at the 11th grade. I met very nice people. Now we are in the summer holydays and I miss them a lot.

I made very good friends at school and at home. At home, we are a group of five guys but we use to hang out with another group, so we make like 10 or more guys that hang out and talk about random stuff. We also do other things but that's not part of the subject.:P

I had 2 or 3 depressions but I got ever them and today I'm happy with who I am. I applied to college and with luck I will enter in the course I want; I have good friends that I love; I met nice people in my life and basically I'm a relaxed, shy and nice guy that cares more about other people than he appears to care. I'm a videogame fanatic and I will be until the rest of my life. I would not change a thing in me or in my life because we are what we do and we can learn a lot from our mistakes.

I like rock, anime, female characters, and girls in general, pretend I play guitar, drums and bass and bang my head. I'm a very positive person and I believe that with hard work we can achieve everything. I'm still a bit quiet but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I have bad memory, seriously.

I am… me.:)

I need a haircut.:shock:


Biography, Part 4: First steps in gaming

I got my first PC maybe when I was 7 or 8 years old, I don't remember well. My first PC game was Rollcage that is a very cool racing game. Sadly, I don't remember what my overall first game was…

I played many classics like Mario, Sonic, Bomberman, Megaman and many others. I loved and I still love all those games. I'm a huge Age of Empires II fan and it's probably the game I played most on the PC. I used to play everything again, even If I had played it before.

I got my PS2 5 or 6 years ago. It came with the "Lord of The Rings: The return of the king" game that was a nice introduction to it. One of the reasons I bought a PS2 was because of Jak II, which I loved playing. I played many cool games but there are also many good ones that I'm missing and probably will miss completely in the future. Final Fantasy X is my favorite game of all time. I took one month to finish it and it affected me like no other game. It changed my way of seeing things and it's amazing how a game can do that.

Since I was little I developed an obsession with games. I think of games a lot. I'm always planning what to get next. The addiction evolved into a passion and now I think I will play games until I die. It's something that makes me feel well and I don't care if people say they're bad for my head. I like them and it's all that matters to me. I used to play 2 hours per day because I didn't want to finish games quickly but now I play for 3 or 4 hours. I'm not a fan of side quests so I'll just probably finish the story and I'm done with it.

Biography, Part 3: Friendship

The 5th grade was the year of my first love. I don't remember anything else worth mentioning. I fell in love after I had a dream with that girl. It is a strange way to fall and love but I did. I was shy but I had the courage to tell her I liked her but she said she liked me as a friends. Too bad. I liked her until 8th grade and then the feeling stopped. It was the year I had the best grades and I was the best student at Maths, something that is really far from happening now…

I had fun in these years but it was not anything special. I was still shy, quiet, and I used to just hang out with my friends. I also remember Sunday school (I think that's how you call it). I loved it. We used to talk of anything except Jesus and God. It was a time where we were together and discussed our problems with each other. We were very united but with the time that bonds started to disappear and now we rarely see each other. We guys use to hang out together but we almost never see the girls. It's a bit sad not seeing the people you care often but we're still friends and that's what matters.

The 10th grade changed things a bit…

P.S. I finished Kingdom Hearts II. The review is up. Now I'm playing VP2.

Biography, Part 2: The memorable 4th grade

4th grade. The quiet little guy transformed in one of the teachers' worst nightmares. Doubtful behavior, laziness, making Super Mario 64 levels in a piece of paper! That kid enjoyed doing mess… That kid was the first to receive a red mark (bad behavior) and in the first the day the teacher starting using marks. The kid… was me.

I loved the 4th grade. I used to play a lot and when I say a lot I mean I even played in the classroom. I was constantly doing mess to make my other friends laugh. The most memorable part of the classroom games we did was "The Living Dead". It happened like: I died, the ambulance came but it was too late. I had a funeral but for an unknown reason I resurrected in the next night. The fearless zombie started chasing everyone that was present as his funeral to ultimate deliver terror to that cursed people, Resident Evil style.

It was the first time I traveled in a plane. We flew from Porto to Lisbon in a half-hour trip. I loved it. It was very cool despite I was sitting next to the teachers. The view from the plane was amazing and I would do it again.

After the end of the 4th grade I turned back to the quiet and shy kid I was maybe because I'm shy when I first meet people and then as I get to know them I start to talk more and interact more with them. The next years were not as exciting as the 4th grade year was…

EDIT: Biography, Part 1: Everybody has a story to tell...

EDIT: I forgot to post a pic....

Hello. I'm João, also known as OD or Johnny, and this is my story. I decided to do is for two reasons. First: I someday I forget about my past this will help me remember some of my life's events. Second: It's something I fell I need to do because this is the most important part of my life so far.

I was a quiet kid when I was very little. The first thing I remember is walking in my street when I was 5 or 6 years old. Unfortunately, that part of my life is unknown to me. I remember when I joined the first grade. We stayed a month without a teacher and all we did was drawing. I used to always draw the same thing: In the center, a tent, and then a path that comes out of it and did this spiral. It was something like this:


When I got my first teacher, I remember learning the letters and numbers by looking at some images and writing them down 20 times each. We loved to play, but whose kid doesn't? I don't remember most of my cl@ss members but I always used to hang out with my neighbors: a boy and a girl. We were very friends and used to do many things together. I remember that we used to bring miniature cars and we played with them near a giant tree that isn't there anymore. I didn't have a computer at the time, but I'm talking about 96. Only a few had a computer.

We didn't have the technology but we were happy. Many games and soccer used to end a school day. I remember sweating a lot but I loved those games. Maybe that's why my passion evolved to videogames…

What do you think?

P.S. Thank you for adding me on MSN but I'm not getting invitations from some of you. Here are the ones on my list: canana, RicardoGil, MissMorphine. If you added me and are not one of them ensure you got my e-mail right. It's jpmcabral@hotmail.com.

You're tempting me...

I've been tagged by DarkNeoBahamut and by doing that he's the first one to enter my cursing list on Giant Bomb.:P

Anyway, here are 10 things about me:

1 - My name (not complete) is João Cabral. Awesome!

2 - I get scared easily.

3 - I applied to college. If I enter I want to become a computer engineer.

4 - I live in a small village called Jancido. More awesome!

5 - I love Rock, Classic Rock and Alternative Rock.

6 - I would love to play Baseball but we don't have it in Portugal.

7 - I can play Air Drums. Special ability!

8 - I love everything that is related to technology and of course games.

9 - I may post a picture of me someday.

10 - I'm on the Pirates of the Caribbean world in Kingdom Hearts II.

I'm not tagging anyone...