@a0me: Oh, hey, there's an ass-stat for you (ie, a stat pulled from one's ass). Got any legit sources to support that, buddy?
There were plenty of movies led by female actresses in the past. Heck, the entire romance and rom-com genre was practically all female, and a shockingly large number of horror movies, too.
Easy, if you are genuinely interested in the issue, it's just a Google search away, buddy.
I'm sure you could find more data for previous years and go back 20, 30 years ago or you could try to remember how many big movies had a female lead prior to 15-20 years ago. The only one I could find out of the top 200 movies -which wasn't released in the last 15-20 years- was "Titanic" and that would be ignoring that the lead was shared with DiCaprio, who has top billing on posters as well as in the credits irc. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross/ https://womenintvfilm.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2020_Its_a_Mans_World_Report_v2.pdf
It's also dishonest to argue that just because there is more representation in some limited cases, it's not a real issue. It's like arguing that there were plenty of African American actors in blaxploitation movies, or that Chinese movies have 99% of Chinese actor representation.
I really don't get why some communities get their panties in a bunch each time some new movie, show, comics, game, etc. doesn't have a white male as the main protagonist. It doesn't take anything away from you; and it's giving something to a large portion of the audience that's been mostly ignored for the last few centuries.
@velite: Then everyone would scream sexist. You can’t turn a female led show/movie into a male led show. Has it ever been done? No. But there’s plenty of male shows and movies being turned into female led shows/movies. White characters into black characters, but never the other way around. That’s just the way of the world these days, which is why I stay away from media, aside from gaming.
Until just a few years ago, something like 90% of movies were male dominated. There's not a lot of female-led movies to turn into male led ones to begin with.
Do you mean Norman Reedus, John Walters, Quentin Tarantino and Russ Meyer? Most gen-Xers like Reedus and Tarantino are familiar with these. The last 20 years have seen so many of reboots of franchises from the 70's-90's why not try something from the 60's for once?
@operatorzero: Please explain how saying that a 100+ year old industry is older than you is creepy. You could take this as an opportunity to educate yourself or just continue trolling.
@operatorzero: On the Internet everyone is a dog, so I’m not sure what’s your point with mentioning your “credentials.” For all you know, I’m George Lucas. Assessing the quality of an art form is by definition subjective. If art critics were scientists I’m sure they’d tell us.
Everything you said about big movie franchises existing pre-oversea distribution is factually and verifiably wrong, all those movies have been released internationally either simultaneously or closely following US releases, for probably longer than you’ve been alive. The US domestic market is big but it’d be extremely challenging to recoup those hundreds of millions production budgets (and that’s not even mentioning marketing budgets) without international markets.
And the Bond movie franchise, while being distributed worldwide by a US company, has been produced by a British film production company since day one and used to be released overseas ahead of the US.
@operatorzero: You must be very young or don’t know much about the world. Hollywood movies have had wide scale international distribution since World War I (that’s over 100 years ago if you’re wondering) and Star Wars, Superman, Raiders all have been huge international successes since the ‘70s. And Bond is a British movie franchise for crying out loud.
Quality is subjective but production budgets are not. None of the Hollywood blockbusters of the last 40-50 years would have been made without the international market.
@operatorzero: It's just natural, the world doesn't revolve around the US. And the same goes for China. Look how much money a movie like Black Panther made and this movie have nothing to do with neither of these nations. I understand this necessity of making mainstream products that could be enjoyed by "everyone" (many quotations), but to go beyond and use exaggerated gimmicks? Like the US saving the world, being heroes in WW2 and so on... this is ridiculous, literal propaganda
Also, something that people in the US tends to forget is that without overseas markets, you'd have to say goodbye to all big budget blockbusters (MCU, DCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Bond, Transformers, LOTR, Disney/Pixar, etc.) which wouldn't be able to recoup their ever growing budget domestically -each of this cost between $200 and $500 million in production alone. And same thing for any big budget tv shows.
@velite: Maybe because there aren’t a lot of attacks on them or not enough to warrant a whole Wikipedia article? How many have there been in the U.S. in the last few years? It shouldn’t be too difficult to find statistics and other sources to back that up and create an article about them.
@Blk_Mage_Ctype: A quick search shows that is not the case. Either those thousands of reports, deaths and injuries are fabricated by victims or we have to admit there's a problem. "Nearly 3,800 hate-related incidents during the pandemic, a number that experts believe to be just a fraction of the true total." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/16/asian-americans-hate-incidents-pandemic-study
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