I understand the importance of great graphics to portray a story/environment and could add gameplay elements. But please, do not tell me that a majority of the game's importance is on graphics. What good is a game if a majority of the effort was not on gameplay?
@playniko69 I know those feels. I just really miss the original SC, Pandora Tomorrow, and Chaos Theory. Fond memories with those games, but I don't think they're coming back. :(
This article is sarcastic, right? You know what's higher in quality, you know what gamers build a ton of connections with? B-games. Even that term seems derogatory. Just because its "AAA" doesn't mean it's quality.
I love some "AAA" games, some of them mean a lot to me (i.e. Bioshock Infinite, Mass Effect). I mean, I love BF3 and Braid, but Braid meant a hell of a lot more to me.
This Ubisoft guy seems pretty arrogant. Maybe he has nothing against B-games but is just making an objective prediction, Idk his tone exactly.
a_sh0pping_cart's comments