@Revl8n I agree somehow the xbox gain many points with the american fans. and Sadly like everything else american is over priced but not even manufactore here in the states!
oh no no no, thats blasphamy! you know how these companies love dlc. free dlc, unless is a patch or fix a **** up. other than that $5-20 for a new polygon the added to the screen.
hope is not another mmo cause those are lame for this tittle. i wish it was like castlevania los but with skyrim rpg mechanics alots of free roam and not lame ass combat.
@mrfinalfantasy1 they haven't made awesome games for awhile. the ones that have made them some kind of money are ones that were acquired from other studios and they were not succesful like they expected.
@StarkJJ really rushed? they have been struggling and finally did right. you just seem upset that they actually used their competitions weakness and better themselves. after the ps3 fiasco you better believe they needed to rush and deliver on time and promptly along with good hardware like the ps 2 was. the xbox 360 was the chin check they needed to be back on track.
@MaxRoi04 lol I agree lee was cool but damn the number of time he falls gets hurt or was dazed was just too much. I remember playing and saying "again"
@AggrandizedUser More of a narritivc game. My wife doesnt like gaming but likes the walking dead, needless to say she bought me the game and watched me play it she even played it was like a "show" to her. I enjoyded very much. It was just like its own show.
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