Charles Leavitt will obviously force the heinous phenomena of gold farming into the public consciousness I'm sure. It all ends when the protagonist is banned for farming his account out to China ala Johnny V.
Also: Justin as a upstanding British gentleman where oh where is the U in your title? Have you crossed over to the dark side where z's are overused and they "fill out" forms?
I'll do no-killing runs of a game if I think it's part of the character and the tone. Yes they gave me the option to play the pacifist in MGS4 but Snake was a soldier and thus totally okay with shooting dudes. Since the tagline is "revenge solves everything" I'll take it as read that our player character is of a murderous persuasion and the narrative consistency won't tie itself in a knot if I bump off a few too many baddies.
Nope I don't care what you say EA. Saints Row the Third out power-fantasied all other power fantasies past, present and future. But seriously Army of Two? I'd like to see the sales numbers that justified a trilogy of a generally poorly received shooter.
adam1808's comments