@luizferrarezzi I believe this was built from the ground up by 4A on their own engine. Definitely not outdated. The first one was ahead of it's time as well. It was one of the first DX11 games.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am @bubba_1988 Really? I was born in '90 too and a lot of people I grew up with all knew of Star Wars and enjoyed it. Star Wars action figures were also EVERYWHERE in the 90s.
@BlueFlameBat @CountZurich @megaspiderweb09 I think you were lost in translation. He wasn't speaking generally about using misleading trailers. He simply means that the plot shouldn't be laid out for you in a 45 second format.
@faizanhd @adamska156 @berserker66666 You're right in that Warhead is more linear. But all the games have some linearity to them. Crysis has never been completely open world and Warhead is by far more open than COD. Even Crysis 2 is more open than COD and is the most linear Crysis game.
@berserker66666 Actually I think it's Crysis Warhead>Crysis>Crysis 3>Crysis 2. But i'm not quite finished with the third yet. It's definitely better than the second though...Your cloak doesn't last as long and the enemies don't get stuck on objects like in the second one. It's also way more open than the second one. So I wouldn't say it's getting worse.
@user_pt Yeah...like that would be a secret for long. Practically every potential customer will know about the PS4 within a week of its announcement. This is silly.
adamska156's comments