@king_quaps: hardly a discussion when you seem to think you are right about everything. gave up reading another one of your rants i really dont care any more its pointless arguing with someone like you. have a nice day.
@king_quaps: you bash the game for its "crummy writing" that "made your skin crawl" thats why i say you expected a deep story line like the Witcher or something. not a well crafted product?? lmao i give up debating this with you i dont know what game you played but i had no TECHNICAL problems with the games the graphics some of the best at the time the gun play perfect the cover system perfect the climbing and platforming not 100% spot on as you would fail some jumps if not timed or aimed right but overall Uncharted is one of the most well crafted games for the times they was released stop trying so hard nit picking the game to make it seem lesser than it is. not replying any more as you just say the same bull every time quoting whatever ive said then trying to be mr smart ass with your little rants on how this is that and technically its this. i am over it. bring on Uncharted 4 and Horizon:Zero Dawn.
one more thing i notice in a comment you wrote earlier that you cleared Uncharted 1 but gave up on 2 so how the hell do you know that the games are flawed if you haven't even spent enough time playing them? you base it off Uncharted 1? if so then you have no right commenting on the games at all.
@king_quaps: he got double teamed lmao maybe if he didnt start abusing people calling us kids and ponies id take him a bit more serious. seems to me you expected some open world game with deep story lines when it never claimed to be that. how can the game be flawed and still get so many great reviews? you just try to be all smart ass coming up with all these reasons why it sold well and why its flawed when the fact is its a great series that has many fans and wont miss the money from your wallets.
@king_quaps: lmao ive never heard anyone praise the game that much you people taking it way to far its a great game yes but you trying to make it sound like we think its the greatest game ever created. trying way to hard to make it look bad and its just sad now.
@king_quaps: so because you dont like the game we have no right to like it either or say anything positive about it? the guy you defending just bashed and bashed away at the game giving stupid reasons to why he didnt like it. he expected it to be an open world game for crying out loud when its genre is clearly platforming action adventure. clearly you both arent fans of this genre so why try so hard to convince people that are fans that the game is bad? you feel for a troll that has done nothing but fail at trying to prove its a bad game when all the reviews and meta critic scores and sales prove you both wrong each time.
@ughz: i say playstation gamers because its an exclusive that only playstation owners would of played i mean nothing else by it. where the hell do you keep getting this 10% shit from? and why the **** did you expect an Uncharted game to be open world? that alone is just stupid. so Uncharted has sold 21 million copies all together prob more now with the collection that recently came out and you say a minority of playstation gamers thats roughly 7 million copies per game id hardly call that a minority. and given how many PS4's have sold this year and with Uncharted 4 out next year its only going to attract more people to the game when the reviews come in. so please take that 10% and shove it. no more rants please as this is getting old. i like the series i hope 4 will be great.
@ughz: you can try and try my friend to make the game sound bad and to make it seem like no one is interested in it but the fact is that there is more than 10% of Playstation owners that like Uncharted probably even more fans that have played all the games of the series and want more.
@ughz: ok you clearly hate the game which makes me wonder why you even bothered playing all 3 if you even did. every reply you just try to make yourself sound so smart and intelligent and it still is not changing the fact that Playstation gamer's love Uncharted maybe not every single Playstation owner but a lot of fans of the series are. you can try as much as you like to disagree and prove wrong but you aren't convincing any of us with your rants.
and i dont see why you try to bash the gameplay by saying you go in one direction did you expect an open world to run around? did they ever say it was open world? its a platforming action adventure so yes you jump a lot you run in one direction often and you wipe out armies of enemies its a game.
@ughz: you take things way to seriously calling people ponies and kids for liking a game. the game does not put you in intense situations you saying that makes me think you are lying about even playing the game. how is jumping from truck to truck while fighting mercs not intense? how is being chased by a helicopter hopping from building to building not intense? how is falling out of a plane in mid air while it is exploding not intense? you only mention difficulty levels not the acctual situation that Drake is in i could go on but i wont because i just get the impression from you that you like to make arguement's out of nothing and are quick to abuse someone for saying something you don't like. ill say it again you are in a low majority of people that dont like the game. please no more rants about how we are all ponies and kids your hate isnt welcome here.
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