@jokingjoey14: a lot of people had a problem with the art style but i still love the game im on episode 5 right now i just dont like the really blurry edges that you get sometimes but i know it was intentional still a great game. i just dont get why you was so hostile about it the comment would have been fine with just the sentence you wrote was no need to call me a dumb fucking idiot over a one line sentence. anyway its gone now so lets just wait and see what they come out with.
@jokingjoey14: lol getting called an idiot for no reason at all typical Gspot comment section. wtf has Batman comics got to do with the Graphics style of Telltales Game Of Thrones? im guessing that you mention the comics because that is most probaly the style they will go for which i have no problems with. i really dont see why you felt the need to call me a dumb fucking idiot just makes you look like a sad little prick that bashes people for no reason.
way to much Batman going around wasnt the Arkham games enough? i like the idea but there are many other interesting heroes out there. guess its easy to come up with a story for Batman seeing as he is Bruce Wayne and has detective skills and so many enemies.
ubisoft running out of ideas and clearly dont give a ****. how many of their games make you clear outposts? ive lost count and they dont even try to add anything really new to clearing these outposts apart from killing everyone. at least they have tried a bit hear with the taming animals but will it be enough to set it apart from previous FC. didnt play the last FC because it was the same old crap from the previous clear outpost clear outpost then clear outpost they do it in most of their games and its just boring and predictable now.
@kjouda: you are the one that took the whole thing so serious and started calling me an idiot and retard because of one comment in which all i said was that it looked boring and there is a lot of jumping that is all it took to get you mad which is just pathetic. get a life kid seriously its only Destiny. people like you should be banned from the site attacking people over a comment that you didnt like about the game. all of your replies are just insults and i am flagging them as abuse. stop replying and proving what a nasty little shit you really are. getting so mad over a game that isnt even that good just sad bro and ive been laughing at you the whole time.
@kjouda: what? i clearly said that the game is a boring grind fest and simple. how are they not thoughts? you are the one throwing out the insults that have nothing to do with the game calling me a retard like its some big fancy new word. go get a life kid the game has clearly turned you into a hate filled little prick that gets mad about anything bad that is said about the game. and you making me look like a saint because you are the one that is swearing your head off not me. and how do yo know i have not played the game? i played it for hours with friends and we all say the same thing. now please go find someone else to argue with there are many more comments in this section of people bashing the game go abuse them and call them retards like the big man you are.
@kjouda: clearly not making a big deal about it swearing your simple head off at me lmao go to bed DUDE and get over it i have.
no more replies from you just swearing and calling people retard because they dont like the game you are clearly in love with. you just proving to us all what a sad little man or women you are by getting so mad about it. last reply from me good night.
@kjouda: nothing you say will change my mind its a game for little teens to melt their brains to. stop making a big deal over a comment about Destiny. just sad.
@kjouda: im not even going to read that rant the game is boring to me its looks simple to me and thats the end of it stop defending it like someone just insulted your mother. so sad.
adamus' comments