So wait, now we're going to discuss share prices? System wars has officially hit a new low.PBSnipesWhich is amazing because I believed we were at the lowest of lows.
adastos' forum posts
Wow that is exactly all the problems I had with it.These are my complaints:
- Stuttering framerates at times
- Texture pop in issues evenmultiple times during single conversations
- Lack of "back buttons" on certain menues
- Lack of a way to really manage all the equipment (organize)
- The magical hidden 150 item limit.
- Bioware kills off the rogue style character completely.
- The cover system does not always work instamagically like designed.
- The ally AI and especially path finding leaves much to be desired ("I would need a lift." Really? I didn't know walking through a door was that damn hard).
- Overuse of the damn "realtime Simon Says" minigame (find something? decode something? disarm something? unlock something? Come on giveme some variety!).
- Scanning planets by just hitting a button? Even worse than the aforementioned minigame.
- Reuse of areas (You travel light years and yet the blue prints are carbon copies).
- The mako feel more like a toy than a substantial weighty crawler vehicle. Gravity is not considered. It pretty much bounces, crawls vertically. And it's general control has issues with veritcal aiming in conjunction with the reticle. Also the vehicle direction is relative to it's camera.
- Places like the Local Cluster only let you really drop down on the moon (Luna), which is kind of a let down, and even then the relatively heavy populated moon has hardly anything on it when you land other than cities in the distance... which you can't get to.
Have 1 million PS3 even been sold yet? :lol:UssjTrunksThat joke was already used on the first page :P
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