The game is like what 7-8 years old., no one would play a game that old also everyone is pretty much doing high level stuff at this point. IMO It was an awesome mmo when it first came out because it had a story instead of just a bunch of quests that had no real meaning.
Yeah the biggest problem I think is employees not knowing anything about what they are selling or being uber biased to the point of lying to customers.
Hmmm.... since it is world wide I think it can. Each place (Japan, US, Europe) would need to sell an average of 333,333 games. I have a feeling US can pull 500,000 units easy leaving the other two to sell at least 250k
We all know it outsold the PS3 4/1 when Halo 3 arrived, now the talk is that the 360 will drop its price upon the arrival of GTAIV. This month it looks like the 360 is outselling thePS3 2/1 in the US, so im just wondering when this happens will it be 4/1 or 5/1 or 6/1? Just wondering, and dont flame.....Reyes360
I thought M$ made up those numbers and sony b*tch slapped them for spreading that lie.
[QUOTE="adastos"]If you can somehow obtain a Wii I suggest getting a Wii then selling it on Ebay for $700+(since holiday season) then you can get both!copperheadfang
That's a great idea Nintendo already said they won't meet holiday demands with the Wii and a lot of parents are trying to get their hands on them.
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