Last series was theblogabout platforms. Which one i thought was the best, which one the worst and which one missed its calling.
This week i follow withdevelopers.Along with the platformthey choose to develop for, without them we simply wouldn't have anything to play withh.
Best developer: Valve
Valve does shooters, that's their thing. Up until Space Marine, Relic were the RTS guys, Bioware the RPG guys and Valve the FPS guys. They are obviously not the first developer to choose to specialize in a certain type of games but few have been able to diversify so much and bring this high level of quality and polish over completely different games. From expertly paced single player experiences like Half-Life 2 and its episodes to fantastic multiplayer with Team Fortress 2, with some co-op zombie massacre goodness in Left 4 Dead and clever puzzle solving in Portal it seems very challenging to be a fan of shooters and not find at least one game in Valve's catalog that suit your tastes.
Worst developer: Square Enix
Up until the start of this generation Square Enix would have ranked pretty high up on my list of favorite and trusted developers. Having been a fan of most of their catalog of games since the early days of the SNES it pains me to see how badly they dropped the ball this generation. To me Final Fantasy XIII took all the best aspect of Final Fantasy X and threw them out the window while at the same time magnifying all of its worst traits. I know this game will always be very contentious among fans of the series, perhaps more then any other, but to me it just doesn't cut it. One game however i feel is very hard to defend even for the most fanatical fanboy is Final Fantasy XIV Online. That game was a disgrace at launch. Broken beyond belief and extremely insulting coming from a developer who already had years of experience with a successful MMO. There is just no excuse for that launch.
Also their habit of announcing games years before full production even begins (read FFXIII Versus) is ridiculous, this leads to expectations that are simply impossible to match and in the end do a lot more harms then good. They are also more then ever one of the leading company pushing remakes left and right instead of promoting new IPs. How many more time will they release Final Fantasy IV?
The pleasant surprise: The Indie and downloadable games revolution
This does not concern any one developer in particular but rather the indie scene as a whole. Indie games have always been around but they never had so much visibility and support from the platform makers and gaming press until this generation began. They make awesome games accessible to anyone for a low price and often bring with them some old and forgotten gameplay mechanics and modernize them. Side scrollers, dual stick shooters and Metroidvania ****of games were all but gone from home consoles all in favor of 3D environments before this indie and downloadable revolution took place. Games like Super Meat Boy, Limbo and World of Goo rank pretty high up among my favorite games of this generation and without those games to break the mold gaming today wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as it is. In fact i think gaming is better then ever now and thanks to all the indie developers we can finally get the best of both world.
So those are my choices.
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