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Gamescom 2011

So, I've included all the highlights and links here for your reading pleasure should you have missed anything. As always, check out Gamespot's extended coverage of Gamescom for most of these details.

Borderlands 2 Stuff

Lots of cool things slowly starting to come for Borderlands 2. If you missed em', here's some of the latest :

Borderlands 2 Stuff - A fun entry about a prediction Michael Pachter made which clearly never came true.

Meet The Gunzerker - The first new character revealed.

Borderlands 2 First Look Preview - And of course some great GS coverage!

Other Game News

Runic Discusses Torchlight II Mods - A fun article about the wondrous possibilities and tools that Runic Games is giving fans who are soured on Diablo 3's online connection and lack of modding.

Zelda : Skyward Sword Release Date - Finally the wait can come to an end on November 20th. After that, who knows what most of the people will do with thier Wii's?

Peter Molyneux Bored of Samey Games - I always enjoy hearing musings from Molyneux. He may be right that Kinect simply needs to have a "Doom" kind of moment for the hardcore market to finally accept it. Also, is "samey" a real word?

Nintendo's 2011 Updated Release Schedule - In case you wanted more Nintendo dates or we're curious.

Game Related News

Supernanny also believes games caused riots - Completely an opinion piece (and one indeed charged with a lot of just that) but every once in a while it's fun to see someone shaken up and hear their take on a subject. I for one side with the writer in this case, though I would've been a bit more ... eloquent about it.

Boy 14 Stabbed Great Grandmother to death with Sword - Another "gaming related" death (I will spell out the sarcasm here versus imply it). You have to wonder why the parents/guardians would let this kid continue to have access to swords after the first incident?

And finally, my absolute Favorite piece from yesterday ...

Minecraft Dev Wants to Settle Lawsuit With Quake 3 - It broke early in the day, but this is without question one of my favorite pieces of news in recent days to be sure. Read it at the link or watch yesterdays Episode of Sync for the details.

That's all for now news fans. More to come as I catch it.


So my exams just finished 2 weeks ago and my gaming week was about to begin but unfortunately my P.C gave up on me at the wrong time ..something in my video card got broken so i had to send it to get repaired which should take about 2 weeks and to add to the misery both my 360 and my D.S are with my cousin who was supposed to give them back to me by now but because of some problem he'll be coming next week .... so because of all this i decided to give all the arcade/indie games a try which i had heard so much about...the first game that came into mind was braid , so i bought it from steam and started it a few days ago and i gotta say it is an absolute masterpiece , i cant belive i had been missing out on a this brilliant game for such a long time ... evrything from the music , the presentation , the gameplay just blew me away.....just shows that there are still games out there which dont need photo realistic graphics or modern gameplay to win you over .... its a perfect example of simplicity at its best . will post a review soon :)

Seeing how amazing braid was i bought frozen synapse , anomaly warzone earth , terraria and bastion . will start terraria today , if any of you know any other similar games for the pc please let me know :D

Thanks for reading :D

Fun Vs. Achievement/Trophies

Achievements or trophies are just the same crap : a way to compare who has the biggest *** or who is ze noob. I want to play the way I like (which is already often limited) and not the way some developers decide and then compare to what others "achieved". The word "achievement" is absolutely ridiculous in gaming world, as you really achieve nothing in gaming time other than proving you didn't do anything in real life.

Having fun in gaming, it's something too many people forget about, how come we still don't have a car game where you only drive to watch the scenery and listen to cool music after a day's work, instead of getting unnerved because you didn't beat a time for the ** time? If this mode was implemented I'd buy Games like Dirt 3 and Pure. Having to beat some AI cars to unlock other cars that are most of the times incredibly hard to drive? wth? And then you see after 40 hours of play you unlocked only 4 trophies and are ridiculous compared to to other guys? Where's the fun of playing?

Now we have hundreds of FPS and racers where players say "hey, i've unlocked 45 cars in 8 hours" or "I killed 8 noobs with headshots" ... It was already stupid enough, but now you can compare how much you don't have a socail like by comparing trophies/achievements??? Lucky I have a 360 to have fun with Gears Of War, GTA 4 (I must have about 30% of trophies with 60+ hours of playing). I've had most fun with Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider Underworld , just because these games have an identity which is not based on being better than the game or another player.

And yes, I love turn based JRPGs, I was at an ounce of beating Ozma with lvl 45 characters, and beat the final boss of Legend of dragoon in less than 25 minutes and never used a resurrection potion, so I can be competitive, but as long as I have fun.

I think and hope gamers will show some critical spirit and show the developers they need to be more creative in the fun aspect of the games and not create some artificial game length by having the gamers do some pre-created gameplay that is only using their will to be better, letting the said developers do less work and have less ideas.

Nintendo Fanboys are the Worst !

Any argument can be reasoned and won unless you enter into an argument with a Nintendo fanboy. Just saying anything negative about the company Nintendo or its product lines will grant you an immediate brace of thumbs down and endless comments about how stupid you are for not flocking to the altar of Mario. Don't get me wrong I'm a long time fan of Nintendo and I recognize the contributions they've made to gaming since the early '80s. Heck mario was the first game i ever played and i still play it till this day and I've seen every incarnation of console and handheld that Nintendo has had to offer. But does that mean that Nintendo is infallible or that every decision they make as a company is a great one? NO!!!

So if you post that you fear for the future of the company based on a reasoned argument of sales figures, marketing tactics, logistical mistakes, price drops, and announced future products then how is what amounts to "Your a doodoo head"a good rebuttal to that. It's like being in the 5th grade all over again. I don't agree with you because I think they are awesome and can do no wrong so I'm right and you're an idiot for not just instantly believing that they are awesome too. Again I will say I have always been a big fan of Nintendo but I will not just stand by and continue to buy their products when I don't like or care about what they are cranking out.

A big part of Nintendo's problem is the fact that their new business model seems to be one of: "If we slap Nintendo on the box people will buy it." That and basing all their new gaming tech around gimmicks that they themselves never take the time and effort to fully develop. The Wii was the first to bring motion control, the 3DS the first to bring glasses free 3D, and the Wii-U will be the first to incorporate a tablet style controller (assuming you ignore the fact that the PS Vita will also peform that function for the PS3). They seem to be saying: "Oh wow look at this cool new thing we did" but then just leave it up to 3rd party developers to honestly take it somewhere. Sure they come out with a handful of inhouse titles that showcase the features (and those are usually the only games that really do it right) but they don't seem to be focusing their efforts on getting developer buy in like they should. Instead we just get continuous flow of yet another version of the same kind of Resort titles, mini games, and ports of older generation Nintendo games again.

They have made some obvious mistakes: taking their brand name for granted, not accounting for a bad economy, letting their technology get too far behind their competitors, banking on consumer buy in to newproducts when the majority of their consumer market has shifted to casual gamers, and on and on. But just try pointing any of this out to a diehard Nintendo fanboy. They will rail on ad nauseum about how the creators of Zelda and Metroid can do no wrong and any product they put on shelves will be instant gold success even while evidence to the contrary is staring them in the face (see 3DS sales figures for an example). They also feel the need to point out that every other game company is only successful because they are copying Nintendo for their ideas. This is a ridiculous statement since all three major game companies copy each other all the time for ideas. Why wouldn't a company put their own spin on something that is obviously working to try and capture a piece of a market segment for themselves?

I'm an admitted Microsoft fanboy but I won't back them up when the facts don't support my claims. Microsoft has made their share of mistakes in the past too. Nintendo had its day in the sun but right now it is trailing the pack. Their is no shame in admitting that. Why wouldn't you want to call them out and ask them to do better? Just continuing to shell out coin for their product when it doesn't really bring anything worthy of gamer attention is how you wind up where we are in the games industry today: just getting rehashed filler, endless forgettable sequels, and over priced fluff.

Your Favorite Game Of All TIME ?

I dont have a favorite game , i have three :P

For me its a tie between the first God Of War , the first Call Of Duty and Shadow Of The colossus .

I love these games because before them there were no others games quite like them , infact there is still no game like shadow of the colossus , and although there were similar games regarding god of war and call of duty came out but neither of them had that sort of feel....i still remember when i first played the ' dawnville ' mission of call of duty completetly blew my mind and no other game had sucked me in the way it did and as far GOW is concerned kratos still remains the best character in gaming history in my eyes

so whats your favorite game ?

Why i like Gamespot's new layout

I'm too lazy to do a comprehensive review, but first I would like to commend GameSpot for keeping things simple and clean. There are many other game sites I regularly visit that clutter up the homepage with things about pop-culture, movies, and other crap. Aside from the occasional ipod/iphone article, GameSpot is purely games, and for that reason it is my preferred site to this day. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to maintain a gaming website and keep it solely about games right?

Anyways, I still believe the only complaint I have is that it is still difficult managing the watched, now playing, and owned lists. Some improvements in that department would alleviate all of my frustrations.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and lemme know what's on your mind! =P

Best video ever !!

Hey guys , i just came across this video on youtube ... and it is EPIC !

you guys must see it ( if you have'nt already ) , its amazing and the best part is that it really makes you think

it kinda also reminds me of the matrix :)

Most Anticipated Games of 2011

With 2010 ending on a very weak Q4, the titles should start to flow again SOON . Some huge sequels and big-name PC exclusives will be accompanied by some smaller but good looking games in most genres.

These are the top five games I'm looking forward to the most in 2011

5. Crysis 2 – The original Crysis was a fantastic game, and not only because of its stellar graphics. It featured excellent combat with good enemy AI, sprawling levels and destructible environments. Crysis 2 is looking very good, and I'm interested to see what jungle-veterans Crytek do with New York City. The multiplayer might also be good; it looks like it will copy some aspects of Call of Duties MP but with the suit powers thrown in.

4. Warhammer 40k: Space Marine – I love Relic for their RTS games, and lately they have been shrinking in scale to extremely micro-management intensive titles, which are my favourites when it comes to RTS action. Dawn of War II had combat more satisfying than a lot of shooters, and its expansion had some surprisingly decent role-playing elements thrown in. A third-person shooter/role playing game from these developers might prove to be very good; I'm very excited at the prospect of manning a heavy bolter and tearing through Ork hordes. I'm really interested to see what they do with the multitude of great weapons from the Dawn of War games, the prospect of wielding a huge electrified hammer and squashing foes with it makes me very excited.

3. Dues Ex: Human Revolution – Dues Ex 1 is one of my favourite games ever, although I don't expect this game to have anything to do with it. The trailers and gameplay videos have been extremely impressive, but I have my doubts about whether or not the game will live up to its massive potential. This could very well end up being one of the best games of the year; the gameplay looks really exciting and the visual style is really impressive. This is a game I'm holding my breath for, there is a good chance it will be buggy and unimpressive, but it might just be amazing.

2. Mass Effect 3 – Ok I'm half expecting this game to get delayed into 2012, but still the announcement trailer for the game was amazing. I have no hopes for this game being a good RPG, but Bioware will probably refine the style of gameplay introduced in Mass Effect 2 (please, for the love of god no more planet scanning!). I'm also guessing that the story will be way better and won't revolve around recruiting team mates like the last game rather lazily did. It's hard to imagine this game being anything less than great given Biowares track record, so it claims the #2 spot on my list.

1. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings – TW 1 is my favourite RPG ever, and its sequel is looking to have the makings of one of the best games in years. An absolutely stunning new engine made just for the game, higher production values linked to the higher budget, and what will likely be a fantastic, twisting story with loads of choices and consequences. Some of the gameplay videos are just mind-blowing, the stiffness of the character models in TW 1 seem to have been replaced by incredibly fluid animations. Assuming the series trademark humour and personality returns, I can't see this game being anything less than amazing, even if Geralt's face has strangely transformed over the development period of the game.

Other Games I'm looking forward to in 2011 (no particular order)


Rage (this would be #6 on my list)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Dawn of War II: Retribution

Portal 2

Red Faction: Armageddon

Dragon Age 2

Batman Arkham City

Duke Nukem Forever

And probably a bunch of other games I'm forgetting. 2010 was a solid year for gaming, and 2011 is looking to blow it out of the water

still no beating crysis

with the release of crysis 2 only a few months away , i was quite suprised to find that even after 3 years of release , crysis still remains as the undefeated champion when it comes to really shocked because i expected atleast some game to surpass it by now , but instead of that no game even equals it

anyway with that being said , here are some games which i think come close -

1. killzone 2 - definitely on top of my list , this game in my opinion truly showcases ps3's graphical capability , absolutely incredible graphics

2. metro 2033 - if only the textures were a little better then , metro would have definitely been on the no.1 spot but nevertheless it earns this spot on my list , the lighting in this game in my opinion even surpasses that of crysis ( its also almost as taxing )

3. Uncharted 2 among thieves - again a ps3 title , many of you might argue that it should be no. 1 or no. 2 atleast but i would disagree, although that doesnt stop it from being a stunning looking game..very vivid grpahics with tons of variety in the enviorment ...

4. god of war 3/ gears of war 2 - these in my opinion are two amazing looking games , also i really cant decide which one is better , if you look at god of war 3 , then it had great scale and fantastic lighting but gears of war 3 has almost realistic textures and animation so its a tie for me

5. far cry 2 - far cry 2 is a sight to behold when you play it on high settings not only that but the physics of this game are also very realistic... also for such a great looking game , it runs fairly smooth on low end machines with most of its bells & whistles turned on..

here are also some other games too which i think deserve a mention -

1. red dead redemption

2. castlevania : lords of shadow

3. resident evil 5 / vanquish / lost planet 2