So, I've included all the highlights and links here for your reading pleasure should you have missed anything. As always, check out Gamespot's extended coverage of Gamescom for most of these details.
Borderlands 2 Stuff
Lots of cool things slowly starting to come for Borderlands 2. If you missed em', here's some of the latest :
Borderlands 2 Stuff - A fun entry about a prediction Michael Pachter made which clearly never came true.
Meet The Gunzerker - The first new character revealed.
Borderlands 2 First Look Preview - And of course some great GS coverage!
Other Game News
Runic Discusses Torchlight II Mods - A fun article about the wondrous possibilities and tools that Runic Games is giving fans who are soured on Diablo 3's online connection and lack of modding.
Zelda : Skyward Sword Release Date - Finally the wait can come to an end on November 20th. After that, who knows what most of the people will do with thier Wii's?
Peter Molyneux Bored of Samey Games - I always enjoy hearing musings from Molyneux. He may be right that Kinect simply needs to have a "Doom" kind of moment for the hardcore market to finally accept it. Also, is "samey" a real word?
Nintendo's 2011 Updated Release Schedule - In case you wanted more Nintendo dates or we're curious.
Game Related News
Supernanny also believes games caused riots - Completely an opinion piece (and one indeed charged with a lot of just that) but every once in a while it's fun to see someone shaken up and hear their take on a subject. I for one side with the writer in this case, though I would've been a bit more ... eloquent about it.
Boy 14 Stabbed Great Grandmother to death with Sword - Another "gaming related" death (I will spell out the sarcasm here versus imply it). You have to wonder why the parents/guardians would let this kid continue to have access to swords after the first incident?
And finally, my absolute Favorite piece from yesterday ...
Minecraft Dev Wants to Settle Lawsuit With Quake 3 - It broke early in the day, but this is without question one of my favorite pieces of news in recent days to be sure. Read it at the link or watch yesterdays Episode of Sync for the details.
That's all for now news fans. More to come as I catch it.
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