Although im buying the PS4....i dont think the XBOX ONE is too expensive, they're giving away the kinect 2.0 which in itself is a quite an original buying the PS4 simply because i prefer sony exclusives and from what i can gather it seems the more powerful console and that once a day internet connection is a bugger but that doesnt mean that the XBOX one isnt a great piece of hardware ..hell i might even buy it after a year or two after its launch..stop hating whatever you want to..but dont undermine the opposition with stupid comments...what do you expect him to say ? "its our product , we can price it at whatever we like"..he has to say these things..its idiotic to hate him for that..
@starjay009 @adit942 jeez i never thought there were people here moronic enough to get upset over a fact
"The next gen consoles are so good in terms of graphics if you compare them to yesteryear graphics on previous consoles. So obviously, it's a big step forward. "
i honestly didnt see any major differences in some of the P$4 graphic demos they showcased...i wouldnt even call those consoles anything near to next yeah " big step forward" keep telling that to yourself you stupid ****
I'm pretty sure its value would signifiacntly drop by the time the next gen consoles are released...even then i dont think you need this powwerful to compete with the consoles there are far cheaper graphic card which kick console graphics out of the water
@warhawk-geeby lol it apparently got you excited enough to post a comment about it...if you're least bothered then why even check out any news regarding COD..let alone waste your time bitching about it on the internet
stop bitching about something you havent played or even got a glimpse off...let it release first before making up your mind...just because the previous games "didnt meet your standards" doesnt mean this one wont either...and comparing it to battlefield is just downright wrong....they have thier own feel..whichever suits you better...just because you play BF and somebody else plays COD doesnt make you superior in any way ( or vice-versa for that matter) stop trying boost that imaginative ego some of you fanboys seem to have...i like both games...BF has a better multiplayer and looks way better...and i like COD for its singleplayer and set piece events...if you want your shooters to be ultra realistic then go play arma or operation flashpoint..if you have a problem with the dlc then dont fucking buy satisfied with all you have..the developers dont force you too buy it or anything..i cant believ people cant resist the temptation of spending 15 bucks for an extra map or two whats even worse is they bitch about it..stop posting ridiculous comments like " the textures will be included in the dlc",
adit942's comments