lol nothing beats good ol keyboard mouse even controllers...i dont think oculus is going to work i mean they all look great at first but in the end nothing beats old school...i mean people where also going gaga about all those racing wheel peripherals when they were first launched...look who uses them now ? no one.
oculus may generate virtual reality but the game play is never gonna be as fluid as with a controller or keyboard/mouse....besides imagine playing horror themed games like amnesia with that you'd probably die of a heart attack...besides tilting your neck everytime you want to look around would be a hassle rather than adding to the immersion..i think i'd be alright for genres like racing or fighting...other genres arent goona be great on it imo
leap looks promising...but for using applications and stuff not for gaming...hast kinect taught us anything ?
i dont why people compare the multiplayer expeirences of MW3 and BF3 , in terms of multiplayer both games couldnt be more different , having played both games now i'd say i find MW3 a little superior because of the exciting singleplayer campaign ( although i enjoyed battlefield BC 2's singleplayer a whole lot more than MW2'S ) , but BF3 has way etter presentation and simply feels more realistic ... mulitplayer wise i'd say there on the same more inclined more to COD's multiplayer simply because im more used to it ut BF 3's mulitplayer experience is out of this world too
i am more of a call of duty fan myself but battlefield 3 completely blew my mind .. the graphics , the gameplay everything seemed just incredible... looked way more impressive than MW3
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