@sugrim @kkxtrouble How about Tuvalu or Quebec? You can have french terrorists who we striped blouses and fancy scarfs release a virus that causes all of Quebec's cheese to go bad.
@stan_boyd @erMonezza @Roy8686 Exactly what i was thinking. I've just recently finished replaying Human Revolutions and was amamzed at how well they managed to blend stealth and "loud action" in a single package. So it is definitely possible.
I usually like Tom's reviews (they're not the best but they don't reek of IGNorance either) however this time he's dead wrong. Why is Tom wrong? Because he focuses on unimportant details instead of the big picture: namely that (much like the original) the main target audience are children and pre-teens, not uber leet hard-core gamers whose very urine is made out of liquified "mad skillz", so a certai nlevel of siplicity and repetitiveness are required.
Could producers have the shown some courage and innovated a bit instead of copying the same formula used by every platyformer released between Super Mario and Jazz Jackrabbit 2? Maybe
Does it mean that because they stuck so close to the original, this is a bad game? No.
This game does exactly what it set out to do. To criticize it so harshly for that is kind of silly imho.
adrianjarca's comments