@berserker66666 @adrianjarca I agree. But mentioning RE 6 makes it more likely for Johnny to pick one of my comments.
Hurrrrrrrr first Resident Evil 6 gets a gigantic 4.5 and now this? I am displeased.(trying to get a comment read on feedbackula :P)
Does buying this game guarantee a date with a hot blonde? No? Then it deserves that 5.(if this doesn't get me on Feebackula I have no idea what will)
Well this was a charming episode (though I am dissatisfied with the amount of endorsement toast got in this episode). Right then, I'm off to read some mathematics.
@Mega_Loser @adrianjarca @cuddlyfuzzle I know. I was only trying to get one of my comments read on the show.
adrianjarca's comments