Let's be honest now. Whoever said"Let’s turn this damn industry into the environment we want it to be."really means"Let’s turn this damn industry into the environment I want it to be."
I think a lot of people are waiting for the Komplete edition to be released, or until the game is cheap enough so that all DLC + game = $60.
How friggin LAME!!!!!!!!This is the last time I buy a TN fighter when it comes out. I'm glad I didn't buy any of the DLC, but I'm sorry I pre-ordered the game.Lesson learned. I wouldn't be surprised if all companies do this with all fighters from now on.
I know better than to believe anything will be free. It's really just a demo that you can download. If you want the full experience of the game, then you will pay a lot more than $60.I will probably not, ever, download any of these DEMOS.
adroge1's comments