I'm sure the just refunded the money so the moron would move on. If his faith crumples after a little challenge then it is worthless. Also, I like how hypocritical this whole situation is because what about the other 10 commandments?
@MrGeezer @adroge1 The only thing I think people are entitled to is fair, and reasonable, compensation for the work they do.
I disagree with the idea that game developers deserve what they get when they are strong in some areas, but no others. Everyone wins less when this happens.
I think Marcin is correct here. Right now I don't see myself getting more than what I have right now. I have the WiiU, and I'm also very happy with my PS3 - not as happy with my 360. The next consoles from M$ and Sony better be something incredibly amazing, and better in every aspect, if they want it to sell well out of the gate. For the new gen, I will only be getting one more console at most, and that will be it.
Well Ubisoft, I suppose we'll see about this in the end. I know that I, or any of my friends, 100% won't buy any AODRM console. A game that's supposed to be always online is one thing, but an entire console is another thing entirely.
M$, Ubisoft, I don't need you at all. You need me. If you want my money, then provide something I'm willing to pay for.
@Grenadeh @adroge1 M$ has a long an arrogant history of releasing garbage. If it were practically any other company, I would probably ignore the rumors.
If I'm wrong in the end, then so be it. I'm fine with that. But until then, 720 == flop.
adroge1's comments