I really can't comment on the layoffs other than I hope all the people who were laid off will find another job soon. Best of luck to you.
Sad to say, EA moving to mobile is probably the way they want to go anyways. The 720 looks like a flop (yeah, I said it), and if they're not going to develop for the Wii U, then that mainly leaves the PS4 (unless it also turns out to suck and people don't get it either) and mobile.
Hopefully this isn't ultimately the last console generation.
Orth, you did this to yourself, and got what you had coming. Now good luck on finding another job, I can't imagine that anyone will want to hire an idiot like you.
It's ironic that you will probably be blamed for the systems failure when it's M$ who actually made the stupid thing in the first place.
@Ghostdog201 The only way I would even potentially consider a 720 with an AODRM is if there is a subscription, and I don't need to pay extra for any games.
Because that's basically what's happening here. You're renting the games, and can only play them if it is convenient for M$.
M$ has a long and arrogant history of repeatedly making the wrong decisions. If this were any other software/hardware company, I would not be so quick to believe the unconfirmed reports.
M$ is filled with people that can technically do the job, but when it comes to key people making intelligent decisions, they fail hard.
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