EA, I don't like you anymore and I won't buy your games, but I agree, you are definitely not the worst company in the world. You don't even come close. With that being said, EA, you are still in very bad shape.
After buying Tomb Raider Legend for my 360 and experiencing the the abysmal frame rate (seemed like 10 f/s in some places) I told myself I wouldn't buy another TR game from them. Not sure if I'll give this one a chance.
@Coco_pierrot @adroge1 Each failure results is more people hating the company. I don't know the numbers, but I would guess that a number of people that bought SimCity aren't going to buy the next EA game. EA is slowly but surely killing their own fan base, and it won't happen overnight. SimCity would have sold more than 1.1 Million if it wasn't screwed up. If EA thinks 1.1 Million in sales is a win, then there is no hope for them.
adroge1's comments