@Coco_pierrot More and more people aren't buying anything from EA anymore. It's only a matter of time unless EA really gets back into the business of making great games.
McGee.... Many customers were taken advantage of when they were sold something that plainly didn't work at all, and refunds were refused. What is so hard about this concept for you to understand? People don't like AADRM for what is, in the end, a single player game. Derp. EA, with the help of "Maxis" (which is really just EA), screwed up yet another franchise that people really like. Herp.
I don't see why you think people (some of which who are probably your customers too) have to like or accept what happened. EA should have done the proper thing from the start and refunded whoever wanted their money back. Period. EA refused to do this, and in probably the worst possible way, and this is what happened.
The customer isn't always right by any stretch, but the customer knows what he thinks is acceptable from someone he has paid.
If anything, some publishers/developers need to pull their heads out of you know where if they don't want this to happen again.
@Dessicator @adroge1 You missed the underlying points that the article didn't explicitly spell out for you. They do have a point, and it makes sense. Why does a publisher have to just give out tons of money to whoever asks for it? So they can be PC like the rest of the beta males?
Why do people have to pay for a game that they don't think they'll like? They don't. Get off your high horse. Unless you buy every single game ever made, anyone could say the same thing about you.
I have to side with the publishers on this one. If it was basically a hack 'n slash with no story, or a crappy story, then I wouldn't care if it were male or female. If it's a deep story, then I just find it too hard to get into the game/story if the main character is the opposite sex.
I partially agree with him on this. He's done great work... at the same time, I don't think all current designers are terrible... but yes, a lot of games that have been released could have been better.
I had such a fun time with 3 that I will get this one as well.... I guess the question is, do I buy it now, or wait to see if they release a version that includes all the DLC.
adroge1's comments