I don't buy games for the DLC that might/will be released, and I don't care if it's exclusive or not. If I have to buy DLC to enjoy a game, I will not buy it in the first place.
EA, you need to work on your portfolio. You're like a pony that only knows a handful of tricks.
I will be cautiously optimistic here. If the PS4 has the capability to check if the disk is "used" then publishers will obviously make you pay them money in order for you to play it on another system.
I can see Microsoft doing this, but I can't see them doing it alone - that would be suicide in my view. If they were the only console to really put the screws on the customer that is....
I would like to be able to purchase a PS4, so I really hope I'm wrong here.
The Kinect isn't that bad. I just wonder how this will affect system price. I would not be surprised if M$ will either take a huge loss on the sale of the console, or charge some type of fee to get more money out of you after you buy the console.
I really don't think M$ will get rid of the gold subscription.
The things that will prevent me from buying the next consoles are:
1. paying for online service
2. blocking used games
3. always online DRM
I have the WiiU, and I'm quite happy with it so far. I also have a 360 and PS3, but I won't get any more next-gen consoles if Sony/MS/publishers pull this kind of thing.
adroge1's comments