@Dragdar I don't hate apple, I just think their products are poorly designed. A lot of foolish people will never realize this. They simply just don't know any better, and will never know any better... ever.
The average person is an idiot... nothing new here. People are just as smart, or stupid since the beginning of time. The only difference now is education; however, education doesn't make you smarter.
Do a search on youtube for "'1984' Apple Macintosh Commercial". So fitting for the IPhone.
I'm pretty sure this is old news. In any case, Capcom, you only hurt yourself since after I learned this, I will wait for the PS3 version of the game to get a price drop. If you're going to delay things, I can, and will, delay my purchase... and if I still want the game after a significant price drop, I will buy it new.
Also, M$... I have a 360 too, but this doesn't make me want to buy the 360 version. M$, this just makes you look desperate when you invest in these "cheap" tactics.
Having DLC earlier so customers can be milked sooner just isn't something I'm interested in.
I have to agree some of what he says. I'm also bored with TV/Movies and have, for all practical purposes, stopped watching them. It's to passive for my tastes, and most of them are all so predictable with the same story being told over, and over again, but with a new coat of paint. Once you see enough TV/Movies, it's easier to spot this.
Pretty much every popular form of entertainment is like this though, so it's not just TV/Movies. He should also mention the rehash of the same game every year (we all know which ones those are), or the latest popular boy/girl band.
I think his point isn't that movies/TV can't surprise, it just that on the whole, they don't anymore.
Innocent until proven guilty. Also, why does any company have to answer to the enough project?
I think it's irresponsible of the Enough Project to even list any company (there is more than just Nintendo) and put them at the bottom of the list when they have no actual evidence one way or another.
I now know I can completely ignore Enough Project.
I never heard of any outcry before, and I watched the trailer... seriously, I don't see a problem here (thought it was awesome), and I've never bought/played any hitman game before either... probably won't get this one either.
To all those people that complained about this... the game is PRETEND, that means it's NOT REAL. If there were about a book, or even a comic book, instead of a game, those complainers would have been told to shove it.
I'm in the same boat as you. The idea of being "nickle and dimed" has been around since the beginning of time. F2P is just another face for it. Too bad many people aren't capable of realizing this, or identifying when it's happening.
I think F2P does make sense for some games, the ones where it's really an online MP game and the game will die if not enough people play. But when he says "dominant pricing model" I sure hope it never happens. This would indicate that most games will need to be forced online so EA can get their money. Oh what... you think EA will really let you play the game for free when there is no chance they can get money from you? Do we really want D3 experiences for every game? Because that's the way it will go.
Also regarding the earlier link[s] to youtube... If any game asks for any amount of money to refill an ammo clip, I would delete it immediately. That's P2W, not F2P.
My crystal ball is telling me that, in the end, with a F2P model, all the people that don't pay money will be cannon fodder for the people that do pay money. It's those people that pay money who are footing the bill for everyone else, so I would think that EA, or any company, will do whatever is necessary to keep those people who are actually paying money.
Some people don't care if they're milked, others do. I'm of the group that doesn't like to be milked, and I've already stopped buying certain games which I would have bought otherwise. CD Projekt gets it.
adroge1's comments