GameStop has too many problems they're not acknowledging, or willing to fix. I hate to see a retailer go, but I don't see it any other way. Problems I've personally run into which result in me no longer even bothering to deal with them:
1. not having the game I walked in to buy - where other local retailers like Target/Best Buy have it. But they will have copes on the shelves if it's a new game... and no, I will not pre-order the game to reserve a copy.
2. Trying to sell me an opened copy of a "new" game. Not only won't I buy that for myself, but I won't buy that as a gift for someone else either. And yes, people do actually buy games as gifts for other people.
I can't keep track of how many times I walked into a store intending to buy and walked out with nothing. I just don't bother with them anymore.
If GameStop really wants to do better, they need to listen to the things their customers have been saying for years.
"The creditors claim THQ management set up the auction not to maximize the value of its assets in an effort to make good its debts, but rather to keep jobs in place and ensure THQ, as a whole, will live on."
This is the key statement everyone. They're trying to save the people that helped build the company. I think most of you people here don't have jobs, and your parents pay all your bills.
It would be foolish to think Sony isn't interested in adding this to their next console. Clearly they're working on it.
If they really do implement this into their consoles, people will be much more careful about the games they buy. Let's not kid ourselves either. Next gen games will probably be more expensive.
When I bought my Wii U, GameStop didn't have it in stock, Best Buy did. This article doesn't necessarily reflect Wii U sales, but just sales at GameStop. There are lots of reasons why some people don't go to GameStop as their first choice. I don't know what it's like now since I haven't checked, but before Christmas, it was near impossible to get a Wii U in my area.
They might as well admit defeat, and their inability to program on the PS3, and move on. I find it especially encouraging that they did such a good job of designing their game engine to work within the parameters of the PS3. It's programming 101 - you don't use up more resources than you have available. It's not like this is a new problem. Anyone play Fallout?
I'm not that interested in the DLC either... it just doesn't look that exciting, or worth it.
If there is one thing we can count on, they will try to milk as much money as possible from customers, while at the same time, providing as minimal, and crappy, a service as possible.
I predict smart people will be upset, and the average person won't care and go for it hook, line, and sinker.
adroge1's comments