@fern420 If reviewers cave on this, it's just proves even further that they're not worth listening to. The game isn't working - the criticism is completely valid. There are lots of hoops customers need to go though for the game to even work - also valid.
This is exactly why I will not buy any DD from any company. I'll admit I have done this in the past, but I will not do this anymore. This doesn't apply to just EA, but any other company that does this - EA/Sony/MS/Nintendo - they all have the same crappy system where the customer gets screwed over in the end.
I was going to get SimCity until I heard of the always online DRM - notice how they're very careful to not call it that. I will just stay with SimCity 4 Deluxe and never buy this one.
Since the only thing they value is money, EA is there to squeeze every last penny they can from you. EA, you used to make great games... not so anymore.
Whatever the number are, Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft should take this trend to heart. The majority of who was there are developing for PC. A smart company would figure out how to capitalize on that.
EA, you have such a great track record of doing something new. Oh, I don't know, off the top of my head, Madden comes to mind. Wow, you've done so much with that. Yes, I expect with the new generation it will be like a whole new game.
Humm... what else... Oh, Dragon Age... good job there too EA. What else... what else... how about "Generic shooter XXVII"
Translation - EA is going to put more special effects, higher resolution, and maybe better FPS, and that's about it. This must be the face melting graphics I keep hearing that we need. I don't think the problem is graphics, it's that you've burned out. All form and no substance is what you're trying to feed me.
adroge1's comments