Those 10,000 supporters should create their own portal things rather than waiting for a "set" to come out. I guess, never underestimate the power of a gimmick. I don't think there are enough people interested in both portal, and legos. Since it's very similar, Minecraft makes sense. Portal? No.
@mlcarter815 A game company needs at least a year to make a game. How long is it taking to make GTA V? I'm not sure, but it's much more than a year. I think we would no longer see games of this caliber with only a 5 year lifespan. They would basically make one game per console release if it were to be that quality. I think we would all lose in the end.
Yeah, like we're all going to buy a new console every few years. Never mind the cost of R&D for a new console, and the high development cost for writing games on a new console.All I see is higher prices in the end for customers if they do this.
How about console games that take more than a year to make (almost all of them)? That means you'll get just a handful of games for a console before you need to buy a new one.
What a moron, and what a stupid statement. This would fragment the market and people would upgrade to the latest one much less frequently.
How many people never buy a system on launch and usually wait at least a year before purchase. I think this is what most people to. Only a small percentage of total customers buy on launch.
Square, go ahead and make that console that comes out every few years. Let me know how that works out for you. Sounds an awful lot like a PC if you ask me. I don't want this for consoles.
If you read his original blog post, it's full of even more fail. I could take his entire first part of his blog post line by line and say why it's wrong, but that would take too long.
"The retailers will say to Sony and Microsoft 'you can’t sell game X at retail for $60 and then sell it in your App Store for $2.'"
Right. Because publishers are going to make a $60 game and sell it for $2 just because it's distributed digitally. I just don't see the connection with a $2 app, and a $60 console title. Also, what Vita/3DS game sells for $60?
"Digital downloads give publishers instant access to a worldwide marketplace"
Right. Because everyone in the world market can/will download a Blu-ray sized game to their console.
"It’s no wonder that approaching 800 new apps are published every day and the Apple App Store is heading towards a million different published apps"
I'm sure all/most those apps are apps that they couldn't pay me to download.
Will consoles die if they don't do DD only? I seriously doubt it, but if they do, I won't switch to an iPhone/Android for games. They're under powered compared to the last two generations of consoles. I also don't feel like playing on such a small screen when I have a large TV at home that I should be able to use.
When reading the "review" it read to me like a blog entry in many spots. I see lots of statements without any real backing, or evidence... and my experience is completely the opposite.
The camera for example, there is a button used to "lock on" to targets. I didn't personally have any camera problems in any tight spaces/corners of rooms, etc..., and to even mention this if it's not something you see on a regular basis I think is completely wrong. To me this sounds like he's looking for a reason not to like the game.
Collision detection a problem? I don't agree with this either. After playing the game twice, I haven't noticed this at all. I've had no problems hitting what I intended. One thing I have noticed is that with some down attacks, if the BLADE of the chainsaw doesn't hit the zombie, then the zombie doesn't get hurt. Is that what he means? If so, this is not something worth mentioning. This too sounds like he's looking for a reason not to like the game.
The game lacks depth and finesse? Seriously? Sounds like he didn't understand what type of game he's playing. What's he looking for 10 hit combos like Tekken, or 100 hit combos like SkullGirls? Zombies that take 20 hits to kill that will drag out each battle forever?
I had no problem with the writing, or humor either. I found it to be entertaining and funny throughout the whole game. People should have the sense to realize when a game isn't their cup of tea and step aside. You won't see me reviewing Disney movies.
I like everything I read above. It seems that Nintendo understands what I'm looking for in a console... now about that backwards compatibility with Wii games topic.
Capcom (not the individual employees) lost its humanity long ago, and has turned into little more than a greed machine. I want to like Capcom (the company), but can't/won't until they clean up their act.
adroge1's comments