"This is a great moment for video games and for Mixed Martial Arts,” - how sad this is considered a great moment. Seems mediocre to me. Does anyone truly care about this? I guess he's never heard of Chun-Li or any other fighter with women in it.
Humm.... bought the game at $60, got all DLC... another $40.... I'll be honest, I'm not thrilled at all because I'm not made of money, but I'll still get it. and probably enjoy it just the same.
I can't wait. This game looks like it will become the best of its genre. Populous was an amazing game and this looks like Populous reinvented for the better.
Hey, here's a good idea - sell a Kinect-less version of the X1. That way people don't have to pay for something that doesn't work, and won't work for the foreseeable future.
adroge1's comments