@keichimorisato9: I agree at some degree with you, but I'm referring to all of Tri-Ace's games, not just Star Ocean, the gameplay always feel different and innovative in some way or another, Valkyrie Profile, Radiata Stories, Resonance of Fate; etc. That is why I'm hyped for this game, I want to see what they added or changed from The Last Hope.
Ok, after reading and watching several reviews what I can say is, the game have awesome graphics and good sound effects; the live action ain't that necessary but it is a good effort and the gameplay have some great moments with the time powers; Overall it seems like an 8.
I'll go with the deluxe edition, I like the stuff in the collector's edition, except for the figure and it is the reason why that edition is so expensive.
@xshinobi: They're not bad games, but 13 was hyped so much, and it simply didn't meet the expectations; in the sequels they solved some mistakes but made new ones.
adsparky's comments