If they make endearing characters then I'll laugh with them; cry with them and mourn their deaths. Otherwise I wouldn't care in the slightest even if all of them die in the most melodramatic ways.
@mr0011011: Indeed, but it should go in crescendo, maybe a silhouette or even a pokemon; that way people could speculate about it and even have a discussion about it, its type, etc; but here is literally nothing about to talk, except for the fact that there is nothing to talk.about.. what we are doing.
When I played Pokemon Gold I really wanted one of this, like the one in the game... but nowadays it is too small for me to fit on it and it is too big to have it as decoration.
-_-, that video was completely pointless; maybe like a video to start a show it would have worked, but not to announce a video game; and not only that, it didn't show anything except for the logos.
adsparky's comments