@ranzikiel: Nah, Square-enix wouldn't leave the chance to scam all the XB1 and PC install base, it will be more like each episode will be released later on them, and we will get the complete game for the next generation. With the PC version coming like a year later.
Thinking about it, It could be done well, since many events never repeat and you acquire the ability to travel freely to other continents really late, For example, you can make 1 episode per continent, with the last one at the end when you have the Highwind and can travel to all previous areas; but it's square-enix we are talking about, they can hit a home run or get three strikes in a row.
I love Ragnarok online, I spent dozens of hours with my friends playing after school; but as much as I love it, I won't go back to any MMORPG, they consume a lot of time.
They will release like 2 or 3 games alongside the NX version, say something like "Look we're not abandoning you" and after that they will forget about it.
adsparky's comments