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agentpheonix Blog

I beat Ikaruga!

It took me several months, but I finally did it. And the worst part is, I beat it with only two more minutes needed to unlock Free Play.

Plus, I am now unstuck on several other games. I beat Quadraxis on MP2, and got the Light Suit. On Ninja Gaiden, I beat the Shock Trooper guy and made it to Alma. And after 13 tries, I decided to pull out my Vigoorian Flail and BAM! I kicked her butt. Plus, I beat Geldoblame, Fadroh, and Malpercio (the first time) on Baten Kaitos.

Finally, I have more games to play that I am not stuck on!

A Tribute to Mitch Hedberg.

I would like to take this time to make a tribute to the recently deceased Mitch Hedberg, who died Thursday, March 31 at the age of 37 from heart complications.

For those of you who don't know who Mitch Hedberg is, he was possibly the greatest stand-up comedian of all time. He was the king of one-liners, and pleased the audience with his monotone attitude and his long, hippy hair. Here are a few of my personal favorite of his acts. Please note that it sounds a lot funnier when you hear it come from Mitch's mouth.

"I was at a bar the other day, and I was just about to leave when this guy that was about seven foot twelve just ran into me. Then, he didn't even say 'Excuse me', he just said, 'Move'. So, I said, 'You move', and then I started running. After he caught up with me, I turned around and looked at him. He had all of these piercings on his face, noserings, liprings, earrings, and a tattoo under his eye. He said, 'You got a lot of nerve.' And I said, 'Yes, and you have a lot of cranium accessories.' You see, this is a smart crowd. Normally, I would have to say, 'You got a lot of **** on your head'."

"Did you know that at Pizza Hut they accept coupons from other pizza places? It is times like these that I really wish I had my own pizza place. Mitch's Pizza. This week's coupon: ...Unlimited Free Pizza. Note: Not valid at any Mitch's Pizza location. Buy one medium one-topping pizza, get a oven. 20 free large pizzas with purchase...of a small Pepsi."

"I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit."

R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg.

I hate those Trix commercials.

I was watching TV the other day and saw a commercial for Trix cereal, and by the end of the commercial I was yelling at the screen.

I mean seriously, didn't those kids' parents teach them to share? It's a whole damn box of Trix, and those little loser kids deep it all to themselves! FOR GOD"S SAKE, THAT RABBIT IS PROBABLY STARVING!!!

And did it ever occur to that maniacal rabbit to just ask politely? You know, "May I please have some Trix?" instead of dressing up like Michael Jackson and spanking the kids so that he can steal it?

Speaking of the rabbit, why the hell is se such an idiot? He always steals the Trix and then does something that is so stupid that it makes me headbutt the wall. I think the people who are making those commercials are running out of ideas for ways for him to screw up. I mean in one of the commercials, he dresses up like a pop singer and steals the Trix. Then, he slips for NO APPARENT REASON and drops the box. What a ridiculous idiot.

I will never eat Trix again in my life.

This is the last day of Spring Break.

And what a break it has been. There has only been one day of these six that I didn't go do something fun with my friends, and that day was Easter so I consider it to be acceptable.

However, when I woke up this morning, I woke up to the dreadful realization that I have to return to school tomorrow. Normally on a day like this I would be having fun, and I will be having fun. But, I will be spending most of my day filming a movie that me and a couple of my friends came up with. It will take up a large portion of the day, and to make matters worse, the ground is covered in snow. Two days ago I would have been so excited to get this movie done, but today I am not so sure. I spent around $60 in buying costumes and props for this movie. The other two friends of mine that helped me with the idea? One spent $30. The other spent $0.

I am not too excited about today. It is going to be slow and boring and who knows what else. Yesterday I thought, "This is the best Spring Break ever!" Today, "This sucks. I pray for a meteor to come screaming toward this earth and bring me sweet relief.

A Soul Calibur Story.

I went to Game Crazy on Saturday. I bought Resident Evil 0 (finally), and I still haven't played it. I have had it for five days now and still nothing. Is there something wrong with me?

Also, while I was there, I was brousing through the store, and I saw that Soul Calibur II was on display on one of the TVs. It had a sign next to it that said:

"Beat Kris at three rounds and win a prize!"

Confident in my SCII skills, I asked them what the prize was. The guy said, "We don't have one yet because nobody has ever beat him. He is currently 128 - 2." So, I challenged Kris, but to my dismay, the game was on Xbox. I only practice on GC. So, I asked him if I could at least customize my controls a little bit, and he said that he was in a hurry to get off of work and denied my request.

So, I fought him anyway. First I was Nightmare, my best character, and he was...Raphael. He kicked my butt. Next, I was Taki. He was Voldo. First round, he beat me, but in the second I beat him. Third round. He starts killing me, but I get in a couple of lucky hits and then he kills me. Damn.

You know, if we were on GC and I had my customized controls (extra mode would have helped, too) I might have actually stood a good chance. But, I lost, so I guess I should get over it. The sad thing is that sometimes I practice for 4 hours a day at SCII, and I got my butt handed to me. What a waste of my time.

YAY!!! Three day weekend!

It's about time, too. This has a chance of being an awesome weekend. Today I am going to drive down to Salt Lake City and eat at Tucci's, the best restaraunt on the planet. God I love Italian food.

Plus, I am celebrating my birthday this weekend! I am hoping to get RE4 and Starfox Assault. Too bad I can't play them because my dad took my Gamecube away because I got an F in math...if I did good on my last test, though, it should bring it back up to passing...and then I will play RE4 until my eyes dry and my fingers become ripe with arthritis.

So tonight is party night, tommorrow is cake day, and Sunday is relaxation day. Then on Monday I will go to hang out with one or two of my friends.

And finally, Tuesday, aka, the day of Hell. Back to work. Back to school. Back to no more relaxation.

Damn. When I started writing this, I was happy. Now I am sad.

Today wasn't as boring as yesterday.

My stupid high school had an assembly today, so me and a few of my friends went up to the gas station and got some coffee. I think I put too much sugar in mine, because all first period I was jumping off of the walls.

Then when we got back my friend Bryce was throwing a bouncy ball around and he broke one of the school's windows. There were teachers everywhere and a few of them "brought me in for questioning".

Then the rest of the day went by normally, and now here I am about to go to a friend's house and I should probably call him so that's about it.

This is the single most boring day of my life.

I am sitting here in art class, I should be doing my work, but instead I am sitting here on this computer trying to find something to do. I really wish I was home so I could play Ikaruga. And my God it is only second period...oh well lunch is next at least I can go buy some food at Beto's. Maybe I'll get a breakfast burrito with bacon.

Does anybody actually read my journal? Maybe I should get more friends. the more the merrier, right? Not that there is anything wrong with my current friends, Ghaleon128 just got me Ikaruga for Christmas. God I love that game.


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